Creating Drop Shadow jQuery Plugin

In this article, we are going to create a very useful jquery plugin, the Drop Shadow plugin. Previously, I had written an article on how to create the drop shadow effect and today we will use that code and convert it into a plugin. Here is the code we were using previously to apply the drop shadow effect to elements having shadow class:

		position: 'absolute',
		width: $(this).width() + 'px',
		height: $(this).height() + 'px',
		backgroundColor: '#DFDFDF',
		zIndex: -5000,
		top: ($(this).offset().top + 5) + 'px',
		left: ($(this).offset().left + 5) + 'px'

If you have been using jQuery but have never created a plugin before, you may ask why create a plugin at all. Well, there are some good reasons why not create a plugin.

How to Create a Plugin

First of all, we should make sure that we name our plugin as per standards, a jquery plugin should be named like:


And since our plugin is going to be used for dropping shadows on elements, it should be named:


Now creating a jquery plugin isn’t a much of problem, the creators of jquery have made things really easy for us to create the plugins. In fact, creating a jquery plugin is as easy as:

$.fn.pluginName = function(){
   // code here....

However, there do exist quit some variations on the structure of the jquery plugin. For our purpose, we will stick to famous jQuery Plugin Development Pattern. Following that pattern, I have created this plugin template to create jquery plugins:

 * Your plugin name and a small description
 * Author: Name here
 * Version: 1.00


    $.fn.pluginName = function(settings){

  	// Extend our default options with those provided.
  	// Note that the first arg to extend is an empty object -
	// this is to keep from overriding our "defaults" object.

        var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.pluginName.defaults, settings);

        return this.each(function(settings){
           var options = $.extend({}, opts, $(this).data());

           var $this = $(this);

            // do something


  // plugin defaults - added as a property on our plugin function
  $.fn.pluginName.defaults = {
    option_name: value


No need to worry about above snippet of code if you are seeing that for the first time, I will try to explain it. First of all, we wrap the jquery namespace $ in a function and create a closure:

  // code here......

This ensures that our plugin won’t break if there are other javascript libraries used on a page where our plugin is used. This happens because in some other javascript libraries, $ has also a special meaning like in jquery. Then as I said earlier, we create a jquery plugin something like:

$.fn.pluginName = function(){
   // code here....

If we want to add additional settings to our plugin that will be customizable by those who use our plugins, we pass a options/settings parameter like this:

$.fn.pluginName = function(settings){
   // code here....

This is useful in our case because our drop shadow plugin will allow plugin users to set these settings when using the plugin:

  • shadowColor
  • shadowLayer
  • distance

Then we see following line in the template above:

var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.pluginName.defaults, settings);

It allows plugins users to override the default plugin settigns with their own.

jQuery has an excellent mechanism of chaining which allows you to use more than one functions/methods on given wrapped set/elements, for example:


And in order to add this chaining capability to our plugin, we need to put our code like this as can be seen in the template above:

return this.each(function(){
    // code here....

But for the sake of plugin development pattern, I pointed out earlier, it should be modified like:

return this.each(function(settings){
   var options = $.extend({}, opts, $(this).data());

And finally, we should put some of our default settings for the plugin:

  // plugin defaults - added as a property on our plugin function
  $.fn.pluginName.defaults = {
    option_name: value

The Drop Shadow Plugin

Now that we have seen some of the details about jquery plugin development, let’s create our drop shadow plugin. First we start off with basic skeleton of plugin as shown in the template above:


    $.fn.dropshadow = function(settings){
        // Extend default settings
        var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.dropshadow.defaults, settings);

        return this.each(function(settings){
           var options = $.extend({}, opts, $(this).data());
           var $this = $(this);

           //  plugin logic code here


   // set default option values
  $.fn.dropshadow.defaults = {
	shadowColor: '#DFDFDF',
	shadowLayer: -1,


As can be seen, everything is similar to template above except for plugin name and default options for our plugin shown at the end of the above code. We now need to move our previous code we had used to create the effect in the area where it says plugin logic code here. So here is the entire drop shadow plugin code:


    $.fn.dropshadow = function(settings){
        // Extend default settings
        var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.dropshadow.defaults, settings);

        return this.each(function(settings){
           var options = $.extend({}, opts, $(this).data());
           var $this = $(this);

<div class="drop_shadow_layer">').appendTo($('body')).css({</div>
			position: 'absolute',
			width: $this.width() + 'px',
			height: $this.height() + 'px',
			backgroundColor: options.shadowColor,
			zIndex: options.shadowLayer,
			top: ($this.offset().top + parseInt(options.distance, 10)) + 'px',
			left: ($this.offset().left + parseInt(options.distance, 10)) + 'px'

   // set default option values
  $.fn.dropshadow.defaults = {
	shadowColor: '#DFDFDF',
	shadowLayer: -1,


This time, the only change we made to our code is that of using option properties that we allow users to specify.

Using the Drop Shadow Plugin

Using the plugin as easy as this one line of code (that’s beauty of a plugin):


And since our plugin allows some settings, you can specify them like:

	shadowColor: '#cccccc',
	shadowLayer: -100,

This will apply the shadow to any element that has the shadow class. Of course, you can change the selector there and/or specify a single element based on id instead of a class. You can change the class name there of course based on your elements class name.

Please note that if you are going to apply the shadow to images, you need to make sure that you wrap the code in window’s load event rather than ready handler of jQuery because getting image dimensions doesn’t work in some browsers when using the ready handler. Also, we use resize event to re-draw the shadow elements when window is resized. All the divs created for shadow effect have the class drop_shadow_layer.

$(window).bind('load resize', function(e){
   if (e.type === 'resize'){

      shadowColor: '#cccccc',
      shadowLayer: -100,

So that will apply drop shadow effect to any element having shadow class.

I tried to make things as easy as possible and I hope you learned something useful .

Download Drop Shadow Plugin

4 thoughts on “Creating Drop Shadow jQuery Plugin

  1. Just a little suggestion, consider testing for, and using, native CSS support for dropshadows.

    You can test for CSS support like this:

    var style = document.createElement(‘div’).style;
    var mozBoxShadow = style[‘MozBoxShadow’] !== undefined; //Mozilla
    var webkitBoxShadow = style[‘WebkitBoxShadow’] !== undefined; //Webkit
    var boxShadow = style[‘BoxShadow’] !== undefined; //W3C

  2. Pingback: Drop Shadow Plugin Revisited « Sarfraz Ahmed's Blog

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